(NOTE: This version of P╒tong will run only on the Power Macintosh or compatibles.)
Thanks for downloading P╒tong!
P╒tong is a game that is difficult to categorize. It contains elements of both action and strategy. Succeeding at P╒tong requires a little luck and a good deal of skill. At one level, it's simply an easy-to-learn, increasingly challenging arcade game; at another, it's a game of great subtlety and depth. But even a beginner will soon find that no matter which way you look at it, it's a lot of fun and very addictive.
This shareware version of P╒tong is freely distributable and completely playable. However, some features are disabled until you register:
Ñ 95% of the levels appear only in the registered version.
Ñ Two-player mode is disabled.
Ñ High scores are not saved after quitting.
Ñ Numerous additional bonuses, objects, and enemies from the higher levels
of the game do not appear.
See the end of this document for information on how to register.
Novice's Crash Course In P╒tong
This is a quick overview of P╒tong. More detailed instructions can be found by clicking the Instructions button within the game.
When you begin a new game, you'll see your ball appear in the lower left corner of the screen. You can control the sideways movement of your ball with the left and right arrow keys, or the equivalent keys on the numeric keypad. To stay alive, you must keep within the boundaries traced by the paddles at the border of the playfield, where it fades into darkness. You do NOT control the motion of the paddles; they are autonomous.
Your ball has two special capabilities. You can fire a lead shot by pressing the up key; these objects have a lot of momentum and will knock over many objects on the playfield. Also, if you find yourself going into a dangerous area, you can quickly escape by pressing down to detonate a Retro Charge. This will reverse your direction. You may find that you run out of both lead balls and retro charges rather quickly; you can get new lead balls by hitting the grey paddles, and new retro charges by collecting the red bonuses that appear from time to time.
After you've proved your ability to survive a level by hitting the paddles a specified number of times, the level will end. You get several bonuses when you beat a level. First, the Speed Bonus will reward you if you've completed the level particularly quickly. You will also get an Energy Bonus for collecting the blue globes of energy that appear every so often. Finally, you will receive a Level Bonus equal to 1000 points times the number of the level you've just completed. You'll then go to the next level. Your goal is to survive through as many levels as possible.
How To Register
It's easy to register P╒tong. Simply send a check or money order for US $20.00 to:
Mixed Metaphor Software
7 Carriage Lane
Denver, CO 80121
Please include your e-mail address. Checks should be made out to Ben Spees.
Your registered version of P╒tong will be shipped to you within a week of our receipt of your payment. You╒ll be notified by e-mail when your disks are shipped.
If you got your copy of this game at the 1996 Macworld Expo, you're eligible for an additional $5 discount off your registration fee; please include the code on the floppy disk you received to get the discount.
When you register P╒tong, you receive:
Ñ100 new levels
Ñ2-player head-to-head or cooperative play
ÑSaved high scores
ÑHigh-quality stereo music and sound effects
ÑTons of new bonuses, objects, and enemies
ÑThe good feeling you get from supporting shareware authors
Thanks for registering P╒tong!
P╒tong is a trademark of Mixed Metaphor Software, LLC. Shareware versions of this product may be distributed freely as long as all associated documentation is included. ⌐1996 Ben Spees and Mixed Metaphor Software.